Hello, my name is

Muhamad Hanif.

I make things on the web.

I'm an Information System student who fall in love with Web Development. Specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional digital experiences. Currently, I'm focused on learning Front End Development and UI/UX Design.

Get In Touch!

01. About Me

Hello! My name is Hanif and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. My interest in web development started back in 2019 when I decided to try to code my first 'hello world' with HTML and CSS. After that, I explore a lot of things about web dev and try to build some landing page projects.

I'm an information system student who fall in love with web development. Specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional digital experiences. Currently, I'm focused on study front end development and UI/UX Design

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:

  • Javascript (ES6+)
  • CSS3
  • React
  • Bootstrap
  • Git
  • Figma

Where I've Worked

Angkasa Prima Indonesia

IT Project Documentation @ Angkasa Prima Indonesia

November 2019 - February 2020

  • Reviewing and updating technical project documents.
  • Create documents for User Acceptance Test purposes.
  • Testing the app with the devs.

02. Somethings I've Built

Responsive Hero Image

Featured Project

Ancipa Studio

I build and maintenance a landing page for Ancipa Studio. Ancipa Studio is a creative agency and production house based in Bandung. You can look every portofolio from Ancipa Studio in this website

Bootstrap Jquery Git
Responsive Hero Image

Featured Project

Reddot Livestream

I build a landing page for Reddot Livestream. Reddot Livestream, is one of the most affordable live streaming vendors in the Greater Jakarta area. Your event can be displayed on any platform.

Vanilla CSS Vanilla.js Git
Responsive Hero Image

Featured Project


Campflix is the web that can search whatever movies that you want to watch. Starting from assignment for the intern selection process from Kampus Merdeka. This is my first website that built using React.

React.js Bitbucket Tvmaze API

03. Things I've Written

04. What's Next?

Get In Touch

I'm currently looking for any new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!

Say Hello